a picture of Elvis On the January 16, 1995 broadcast of This Hour has 22 Minutes (a news parody comedy show), they began with the statement:
Hockey is back.
All figure skaters
please clear the rink.
Later on in the show "Marg Delahunty" (usually an acid tongued political editorial type commentator) is seen in an ice rink watching Elvis (among others) practising. The camera pans from the ice up to the seats where Marg reports:
Hi, I'm Marg Delahunty, here at the ice rink with ... Elvis Stojko. And, yes indeed, it does seeem that he does have quite a sizeable behind. *hoo* *hoo*!
Cut to Marg at the forefront of the (legitimate! 8) media masses trying to have a word with Elvis as he heads towards the locker room.

MD: When did you start training to be a world champion?

ES: Oh, geez. "To be a world champion"?

Well, I started skating when I was 5 and I guess... Oh, I guess really training, I guess, when I was about 14, 13--14?

MD: Is it too late for me?

ES: Never! It's never too late!

MD: I mean, me and you. Y'know, would a small man like you like a big woman like me?

ES: Oh, I'm not that small! (Elvis compares their heights with his hand, the are the same height)

they both laugh

MD: Good luck, Elvis.

ES: Thank you.

MD: Go, go lie down.

Elvis escapes the press, obviously limping

MD: I think he liked me, I think it was the outfit!

Marg has been wearing a Sonja Henie type red skating dress with fur trim. As she poses to show us her outfit, you can see that she also has skates on.


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