By popular demand, we're repeating our August special in honor of the 1995 Elvis Tour -- here's another chance to get Out of the Shadow, The Newsletter for Elvis Stojko Fans, at a discount. The price is $19 US and Canada, $25 for Europe, and $30 elsewhere. This reflects a $5-6 dollar savings from the original price. This offer is in effect all through October in honor of the Elvis Tour.Out of the Shadow is published four times a year, averaging 16-24 pages of news, articles and photos. The front and back covers each feature an 8X10 color photo of Elvis. Out of the Shadow is a place for those fans who write about Elvis to get their work published, as well. Stories, poems, reviews, essays, etc, are all welcome. Elvis chose the name of this newsletter himself, and our main photography source is Barb McCutcheon, who is a professional photographer and writer, and a friend of the Stojko family.
Sample issues are available for $4 US/CN, $5 US for Europe and Asia. We hope you'll join us in celebration of the World's greatest figure skater, and subscribe to Out of the Shadow today!
Any questions may be directed to:
Or, send them to the newsletter's address:
Out of the Shadow
P.O. Box 160
Muncie, IN 47308-0160
USAThanks for your attention!
Lisa Beard,
Co-editor (with Lynne Ramsey), Out of the Shadow
Last Modified:Tuesday, 14-Apr-1998 20:27:02 UTC
Page accessed at local time: Thursday, 13-Mar-2025 16:59:25 UTC