A Kristi Yamaguchi Fan Page 
If there is any information you think belongs on this page, please
send it to CLW.
Let's start by linking in all the pictures that are already out there:
Finally some things I've scanned:
Kristi Tsuya Yamaguchi is the dominant professional female skater
these days and tends to win virtually all competitions that she
enters. Very, very talented, and IMHO not as popular as she should be
amongst her countrymen.
Kristi's skating idol was Dorothy Hamill, and Kristi was the first
American woman to win gold at the Olympics since Dorothy, ending a
drought of 16 years.
During her rise through the ranks, Kristi competed in both the women's
singles and pairs (with Rudy Galindo) disciplines. She was both
determined and successful until 1989 when her singles coach, Christy
Ness, moved to Edmonton. Kristi began bouncing between Edmonton and
California in her quest to continue training in both disciplines,
until the travel and pressure from the USFSA to just pick one
all became too much. When her pairs coach, Jim Hulick, died late that
year, the choice was almost easy.
Kristi has had no second thoughts about going pro. Although she is
still young, she has accomplished all that she wants or needs to as an
amateur singles skater and was never tempted by reinstatement. She
could be persuaded to return to amateur competition, but only as part
of a pairs team. Surprisingly enough, no one has taken her up on that
- Biography: Kristi Yamaguchi: Artist on Ice by Shiobhan Donohue
For "The Achievers" series of books targetted at the youth
market (64 pages with illustrations).
Lerner Pub. Co., Minneapolis, MN, 1994
ISBN 0822505223 (library binding): 0822596490 (paperback)
Basic Stats
- Birth Date: 12/07/1971
- Home Town: Fremont, CA
- Trains: Royal Glenora, Edmonton, AB
- Former Partner: Rudy Galindo (1983--1989)
- Coach: Christy Kjarsgaard-Ness, John Nicks
(pair), Jim Hulick (pair)
- Choreographer: Sandra Bezic
- Sister: Lori
- Brother: Brett
- Mother: Carole (medical secretary and USFSA official)
- Father: Jim (dentist)
- Grandfather: George Doi
Competitive History
- 1st, Worlds '92 (Oakland, CA)
- 1st, Olympics '92 (Albertville, Fra)
- 1st, USA Nationals '92
- 2nd, Skate America '91 (Oakland, CA)
- 2nd, Trophy Lalique '91 (Albertville, Fra)
- 1st, Worlds '91 (Munich, FRG)
- 2nd, USA Nationals '91 (Minneapolis, MO)
- 1st, Skate America '90
- 1st, Nations Cup '90
- 1st, Goodwill Games '90
- 4th, Worlds '90 (Halifax, NS)
- 5th, Worlds '90 (as pair with Rudy Galindo)
- 2nd, USA Nationals '90
- 1st, USA Nationals '90 (as pair with Rudy
- 6th, Worlds '89 (Paris, Fra)
- 5th, Worlds '89 (as pair with Rudy Galindo)
- 2nd, USA Nationals '89 (Baltimore, MD)
- 1st, USA Nationals '89 (as pair with Rudy
- 1st, World Junior Championships '88 (Brisbane,
- 1st, World Junior Championships '88 (as pair
with Rudy Galindo)
- Rudy Galindo 1st, World Junior Championships
'87 (Kitchener, ON)
- 4th, US Junior Nationals '86
- 5th, World Junior Championships '85 (as pair with Rudy Galindo)
- 1995
- 1st, Gold Championship '94 (Edmonton, AB)
- 1st, World Professional
Championship '95 (Landover, MD)
- 2nd, World Professional Championship '94
- 1st, World Professional Championsihp '93
Exhibitions and Shows
Other Notable Awards or Achievments
- 1986 named Up and Coming Artistic Athlete of the Year by the
Women's Sports Foundation
International Management Group (IMG)
Kevin Albrecht
1 St. Clair Avenue E. #700
Toronto, ON, M4T 2V7
Other Links of Interest
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