A Canadian Figure Skating Fan Page

If there is any information you think belongs on this page, please send it to CLW or leave a note in the guest book.

Disclaimer: If any copyright-holder of text or images on these pages objects to this non-profit use of their work, please notify me and the material will be removed immediately.

This is not the CFSA home page. I am independent and generally unaffiliated with anyone skating-wise.

My information and image sources are listed for your convenience.

Contains: Canadian Ground Breakers / Current, and past competition venue and results / Long and short biographies with Canadian and non-Canadian skaters / Special Thanks to / Other Links of Interest

What's New!

Canadian Ground Breakers

I believe that all of these are supposed to be qualified with "in an internationally recognized competition".


Skater Biographies

Honourary Canucks

Special Thanks

Since starting this page many people have been kind enough to send me information, corrections, and factoids. Special thanks are due:

Guest Book

Don't like email? Want your comments to be public? Then sign the guest book:

Other Links of Interest

Internet Link Exchange
Member of the Internet Link Exchange

[A Top Canadian Web Site]

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Last Modified:Monday, 08-Jun-1998 18:31:33 UTC
Page accessed at local time: Tuesday, 22-Oct-2024 16:10:35 UTC