Short Canadian Figure Skater Biographies: Dance

Contains: Jennifer Boyce & Michel Brunet / Frances Dafoe & Norris Bowden / Dubreuil & Morbacher / Isabelle & Paul Duchesnay / Wilson & McCall / Wing & Lowe

Jennifer Boyce and Michel Brunet

Basic Stats

Competative History


Shows and Exhibitions


Frances Dafoe and Norris Bowden

Back in those days 8), pair skaters often competed as dance skaters and vice versa. With some success as dance skaters, Dafoe and Bowden are probably still better remembered as pairs skaters.

Marie-France Dubreuil and Tomas Morbacher

A young dance team.

Basic Stats

Tomas Morbacher

Competative History


Isabelle and Paul Duchesnay

Paul was born in France. Isabelle was born in Canada. They were both raised in Canada and competed for same until they became dissatisfied with their progress. Feeling too restricted, they took advantage of Paul's dual citizenship and decided to compete for France in 1985, where success has brought them a rabid fan following.

In the end, I find it totally irrelevant that they compete for France.

Competative History



Tracy Wilson & Rob McCall

Tracy is currently a very popular broadcaster appearing on both Canadian and American TV. Rob's death from AIDS has made her an activist in this regard, appearing in commercials sponsored by Finesse about AIDS awareness.

Basic Stats

Competative History



Megan Wing & Aaron Lowe

A young dance team.

Basic Stats

Megan Wing

Shared Stats

Competative History


Other Links of Interest


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Creation Date: Sunday, 20-Aug-95 21:41:38 PDT
Last Modified:Sunday, 21-Sep-1997 00:06:48 UTC
Page accessed at local time: Wednesday, 26-Mar-2025 00:48:12 UTC