Short Canadian Figure Skater Biographies

It's the spawning grounds! 8) Skater information that comes my way accumulate here until they reach critical mass and become their own page.

Contains: Brasseur & Eisler / Dafoe & Bowden / Gaylor & Pelletier / Higgins & Rice / Hough & Ladret / The Jelineks / Marchant & Hawse / Menzies & Bombardier / Morrow & Distelmeyer / Sargeant & Wirtz / Underhill & Martini / Wagner & Paul

Frances Dafoe and Norris Bowden

National champions from 1952-55 and North American Chamopions from 1953-56. World Pairs champions 1954-55. Norris was Canadian Men's chapion in 1947 and was an ISU judge for many years.

Basic Stats


They were inducted into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame in 1955.

Allison Gaylor and David Pelletier

They are a pair team being advised (partially coached?) by Lloyd Eisler, and are in the rare number where he is more expressive than she is. 8)

Basic Stats

Allison Gaylor

Competative History



Jodeyne Higgins and Sean Rice

Basic Stats

Jodeyne Higgins

Sean Rice

Shared Stats

Competative History


At Skate America, Oct 1993, Dallas, TX:

Maria and Otto Jelinek

This brother-sister pair may have been born in Czechoslovakia, but they are so Canadian that after retiring from skating, Otto later became a high official in our government (Minister of Something-or-Other) for many years.

Basic Stats



Shared Stats

They were inducted into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame in 1962. JELINEK, Otto A member of Canada's Sports Hall of Fame

Competative History



Samantha Marchant and Chad Hawse

Basic Stats

Competative History


Michelle Menzies and Jean-Michel Bombardier

Unfortunately she contracted chicken pox just prior to Worlds '95.

Basic Stats

Michelle Menzies

Jean-Michel Bombardier

Competative History


Shows and Exhibitions


Suzanne Morrow and Wally Distelmeyer


Kristy Sargeant and Kris Wirtz

Basic Stats

Kristy Sargeant

Competative History



This image from Skate Canada 1993:

Kristy Sargeant and Kris Wirtz. (66K)

Barbara Wagner and Robert Paul

The first non-European pair to win gold at the Olympics.

Basic Stats


Inducted into Canada's Sports Hall of Fame in 1957.

Other Links of Interest


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Creation Date: Sunday, 20-Aug-95 17:33:00 PDT 1995
Last Modified:Sunday, 21-Sep-1997 00:07:18 UTC
Page accessed at local time: Tuesday, 22-Oct-2024 16:10:37 UTC