Contains: What's New | Site
Overview: by Nation, by Discipline | Competitions | Shows | Contacting Skaters | Collector's
Guide | Skating Paraphenalia | Other Links of Interest
What's New (as of Monday, 17-Mar-2014 00:17:55 UTC)
- Somewhere along the way the link to my skating photos went missing. Let's fix that.
- Nothing has been new for a long time. I'm currently
doing a sweep to remove broken links.
- Women
- Men
- Pairs
- Dance
- Fours
- Precision
- Miscellaneous
Shows listed on this page are "imminent", the "full" listings with
more complete information is elsewhere.
Agents, fan clubs, and training rinks or skating clubs are the
quickest and most direct ways of contacting
specific skaters (short of buying those expensive gold/platinum
tickets to a show and trying to accost them in person 8). If you
don't have this information, the appropriate figure skating associations will also
forward missives to the concerned parties.
Retail and mail order outlets for books,
video tapes, calendars and the like from the fan/consumer perspective.
Things (other than ice) that a
skater might need.
The bandwidth for these pages is courtesy of arghC Consulting
Creation Date: Sunday, 28-Apr-96 20:26:13 PDT
Last Modified: Monday, 17-Mar-2014 00:17:55 UTC
Accessed Date: Wednesday, 19-Feb-2025 12:33:10 UTC